Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Toilichte agus brònach

It's been far too long since we kept up to date with regular posts about what we have been learning each week at Cròileagan and so a new year seems a good time to change that!

Last week and this week we have been learning just a little bit about emotions.

We made some double sided paper plate clown faces.

One side was toilichte (taw-leech-e) = happy..........

.....and the other side was brònach (braw-noch) = sad.

This week we also learned the question...

Ciamar a tha thu? (kimar a ha oo?) = how are you?

...and some possible answers...

Tha mi toilichte (ha mee taw-leech-e) = I am happy
Tha mi brònach (ha mee braw-noch) = I am sad
Tha mi fuar (ha mee fooar) = I am cold
Tha mi teth (ha mee che) = I am hot
Tha mi sgith (ha mee skee) = I am tired
Tha mi trang (ha mee trang) = I am busy

You can listen to some Soundcloud files of how to pronounce these phrases on the Go Gaelic Soundcloud here.

Our song of the week was 'Ma tha thu toilichte an-diugh'. The tune is the same as the English version - 'If you're happy and you know it' - and you can access the file with the words for each verse here.

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