Monday 25 May 2020

Pàirtean den Bhodhaig

An t-seachdain seo: Pàirtean den Bhodhaig

This week we are going to look at some parts of our body. We will use our fingers and hands, and our toes and feet to get messy and create some biastagan, and beathaichean.

You can also download a version of our DF to print out at home.

Abairt na Seachdain

Our words for this week are:

Làmh(an)  - Hand(s)
Cas(an) - Foot(Feet)
Corrag(an) - Finger(s) 
Ceann - Head 
Gualann (Guailnean) - Shoulder(s) 
Glùin(ean) - Knee(s)

You can hear how to pronounce these words by clicking here.

Song Time

Lots of you will be familiar with this week’s songs, as we sing them often. They both use words for parts of the body. 

Craft Time

For this week’s craft, you will need some paint, some paper, and your hands and feet! There are all sorts of beasties and animals you could make in this way, we have given you a few different ideas here. If you don’t have any paint at home, you could cut out your handprint or footprint from some paper. Gabhaibh spòrs, and don’t forget to send us some photos of what you make. 

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