Monday 20 June 2022

Saor Làithean

It's the last week of Cròileagan before the holidays. We'll learn some vocabulary this week that you might use over the summer, along with a song you might sing when you go to the beach. You can listen to pronunciations of the vocabulary here, and the song hereFor craft, we'll make a lovely crab.

Monday 13 June 2022

A-muigh 2

This week at Cròileagan, we'll be practicing our words and phrases to use when you are out and about in town. You can listen to pronunciations of these here. We'll also practice our song for crossing the road. At craft time, we'll make some of the vehicles you might see when you are out and about.

See you at a session this week! 

Monday 6 June 2022

A-muigh 1


This week at Cròileagan, we'll be learning some useful words and phrases for when you are out and about in town. You can listen to pronunciations of these here. We'll sing a song you can use when crossing the road, and at craft time we will make your own traffic light to take home.

We look forward to seeing you at a session this week!