Monday 27 April 2020

Bròg is Ad, Cò leis a tha iad.

Fàilte air ais gu Cròileagan! An-dràsta, s’docha gu bheil ‘cabin-fever’ air choireigin aig a h-uile teaghlach againn. 

Welcome back to Cròileagan! Right now, all of our families probably have cabin-fever. It’s hard to stay at home for so long with wee ones, especially with the nice weather we have been having. 

An t-seachdain seo, tha na crafts agus na h-òrain againn mu bhith a ‘dol air cuairt-dànachd. Toisich sinn le seinn fear de na h-òrain nas fhearr againn bhon Cròileagan agus a’faighinn am bus - càit an tèid sin?

So, this week, our crafts and songs are about going on adventures using our imaginations. We can start by singing one of our favourite songs and getting on the bus - where will you go? You can watch this being sung a few years ago at Cròileagan here.

On our handout the phrases come from the book Bròg is Ad, Cò leis a tha iad. You can listen to the book being read on Soundcloud here. Scroll down to the section for a Toddler Books and you will find it in amongst those ones. You can also watch one of our playleaders read the book on our Youtube channel - thank you to publishers Acair for permission to share it. 

For craft we have a few options - you can use a paper plate to make a crown and decorate it however you like or you can be really fancy and try out the dinosaur hat in the second picture.

Here is how our handout looks for this week...

If you have dressing up clothes at home, why not use those to make up your own adventure? You can send us photos from your travels if you like, we miss you all!

Tuesday 21 April 2020

An t-sìde

Welcome back to Cròileagan! We hope you all had as good an Easter holiday was was possible in the circumstances. 

Since the weather has been so good we decided that we would revisit some phrases about the weather. 

On our handout the phrases are:

Ciamar a tha an t-sìde an-diugh? - How is the weather today?

Tha i grianach - It is sunny
Tha i fliuch - It is wet
Tha i gaothach - It is windy
Tha i sgòthach - It is cloudy
Tha is brèagha - It is beautiful

You can find out how to pronounce all of these phrases by watching this clip here  There are some extra phrases there that you could also learn, if you like. 

They are:
Tha i fuar - It is cold
Tha i garbh - It is terrible
Tha i tioram - It is dry
Tha an t-uisge ann - It is raining
Tha ceò ann - It is foggy
Tha sneachd ann - It is snowing

For craft we have a few options for you. Firstly you could print off some of these colouring in pages and colour in the one that suits the weather that day. 

You can find these pages here.

You could also make this weather dice. It is available as a black and white print out that your little one can colour in. You can find it here.

Finally, if you don’t have access to a printer you could simply source a paper plate and paint/colour it yellow. If you don’t have paper plates then just cut out a big circle. If you’re feeling ambitious you could also draw around your little one’s hands lots of times, cut them out and then stick them around the sun, like this one below.

Our handout this week is below.

The song is a nice simple one, sung to the tune of Frere Jaques. The words are:

Tha i grianach, Tha i grianach 
Lèine-t, lèine-t
Agus briogais ghoirid, agus briogais ghoirid 
Tha mi blàth, Tha mi blàth.

It is sunny, it is sunny,
T shirt, t shirt,
And shorts, and shorts,
I am warm, I am warm.

Don’t forget to share your crafts with us. We would love to be able to share them all with everybody else at the end of the week.